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Meet the Woman Behind the Shade: Riji

Riji Raja is the founder of Affirmation Darling, a brand created to help others feel empowered, confident, and inspired to follow their dreams no matter their life situation. In 2016, Riji moved with her husband to Los Angeles to pursue a career in acting and quickly faced the adversity of being homeless. The high cost of living in Southern California forced them to live in their car for two years. Riji managed to get back on her feet, and overcame internal barriers by channeling past struggles to cultivate creativity. Turning pain into purpose, she knew that she wanted to use her experiences to make an impact.

In 2020, Riji and her husband launched Affirmation Darling™, a wellness-focused stationery brand built on powerful affirmations. They advocate for young adults from underserved and disadvantaged communities who are facing homelessness and mental health issues, and they have donated roughly 600 decks of their flagship product, AffirmActions, providing strategic affirmations and a simplified action plan to homeless young adults.

Through Riji’s journey, she champions better mental health around the world, prioritizes self-love, and works to banish negative thinking.

To learn more about Affirmation Darling, you can visit their website and Instagram page.

“Self-love is prioritizing yourself without being egoistic about it and practicing empathy while you’re at it, because your service to yourself shouldn’t be a disservice to the people who love you.” — Riji Raja

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