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Bigger Than Beauty™ Spotlight: Sheryl Kurland and Find Your Fabulosity

Sheryl Kurland of Find Your Fabulosity

Meet Sheryl Kurland, the founder of Find Your Fabulosity and the inspiration behind the name of our Impact-FULL™ Smoothing Lipstick shade ‘Sheryl’ (Berry Brown)! 

Sheryl Kurland is the founder of Find Your Fabulosity, a non-profit organization established in August 2016 that collects and donates new lipsticks to domestic abuse survivors. The organization donates lipsticks for free to women's shelters in all 50 states of the US. Find Your Fabulosity has donated over 95,000 new lipsticks to women healing from domestic violence, with a total value of over $1 million. 

Sheryl's inspiration for the organization came from presenting workshops at her local women's domestic violence shelter. She felt a yearning to help the women feel like themselves again and recalled her mother's words of wisdom, "If you want to feel better, put on a little lipstick". She began giving away lipsticks to the women at the end of her workshops, and the response was overwhelmingly positive. Sheryl saw a way to turn this small act of kindness into something much bigger, and Find Your Fabulosity was born.

Thrive Causmetics® donates to Find Your Fabulosity

With your support, Thrive Causemetics has sent Find Your Fabulosity over 25,000 Thrive Causemetics lip products to support domestic abuse survivors. To learn more about Find Your Fabulosity, you can visit their website and Instagram page, and you can check out the ‘Sheryl’ shade of Impact-FULL™ Smoothing Lipstick here.

With every product you purchase, we donate to help communities thrive. Thanks to you, we’re Bigger Than Beauty™.

Comments on This Post (9)
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  • I am a domestic abuse survivor and I feel for these ladies!

    May 8, 2024 | Deb Freking
  • Thank you, Thrive and Sheryl! When I felt trapped in an abusive relationship, I would take my mind off of the pain over coffee and Avon samples at my sister’s house. Now I treat myself to Thrive Causemetics because of your highest quality empowerment. Beauty is Power!

    December 6, 2023 | Laurie Hippel
  • It makes me cry even having to think back. I am a survivor of horrific spousal abuse. What your company does for the women out there who in our eyes we see ourselves as not beautiful because we are so scared from the inside out. I love your products not because you support our cause but because they are truly great products with a bonus. Thank you for what you do. Bunnyb

    December 6, 2023 | Bonnie Buchanan
  • It’s a wonderful thing you are doing. I can relate to your generosity. I work for a woman who owns several fine furniture stores. She started a non-profit organization called the Gloria Foundation in honor of her mother. She donates generously to many organizations helping women. She also donates furniture to help them get started when they go off on their own. There are more families out there than we realize. Thank you for helping!

    December 6, 2023 | Janet
  • This is a Great for Women..Thank You & Your organization to help this MAJOR MAJOR CRIME AGAINST WOMEN..

    December 6, 2023 | Cyndi Skinner
  • It warms my heart to see the good we can all do! Thank you for valuing outreach over profits! Your mission to bless others is one of the main reasons-besides your terrific products-that I continue to purchase my makeup from you.

    December 6, 2023 | Tracy
  • Is there away to check on an order
    I believe I palaces an order and I have not received it. So I just wondering if it went thru. Thank you

    December 6, 2023 | Anna Groves
  • This is very inspiring! Makes me stop to think about how I can help make someone’s life better. It doesn’t have to be a grand expensive gesture.

    November 29, 2023 | Sharon Campbell
  • This is very inspiring! Makes me stop to think about how I can help make someone’s life better. It doesn’t have to be a grand expensive gesture.

    November 29, 2023 | Sharon Campbell

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