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Thrive Causemetics®’ $1 Million Commitment and Ongoing Response to COVID-19

thrive causemetics covid-19 response fundEven When We’re Apart, We Thrive Together
Thrive Causemetics®’ $1 Million Commitment and Ongoing Response to COVID-19

In these unfamiliar times, we hope that each of you are taking the necessary steps to keep you, your loved ones and your communities safe. It’s more important than ever that we stay connected as a supportive community. Here are the steps we’re taking at Thrive Causemetics® to be proactive, do our part and give back to those in need and those on the front lines due to COVID-19:

We’ve taken proactive steps to flatten the curve.

We took swift action and established a remote work-from-home policy for all of our employees, equipping them with a full suite of tech equipment to make working from home comfortable and stable for them while we practice physical distancing. Our shipping warehouses have implemented all best practices recommended by the CDC and because of that, you will not experience any shipping delays with your purchases on

Our Founder and CEO Karissa Bodnar donated $10K for COVID-19 testing.

Our Founder and CEO Karissa Bodnar personally donated $10K to The University of Washington Virology Lab, the first lab in Washington state capable of clinical COVID-19 tests. The University of Washington Virology Lab is working with the state to urgently bring their capabilities into the community, testing first responders, healthcare workers and the public to help save lives. The University of Washington is Bodnar’s Alma Mater in Seattle, and Washington (Bodnar’s home state) has, like so many parts of our Country, been especially affected by the Coronavirus.

We’ve committed to donating $1,000,000 in products and donations to COVID-19 aid.

Thanks to the support of YOU, our Thrive Community, we donated over $350,000 from one day’s profits on to 3 incredible organizations—Meals on Wheels, Baby2Baby and Feeding America—all of whom are providing meals and in-demand resources to some of the most vulnerable communities in need.

Continuing our momentum and building on our efforts, Thrive Causemetics® is committed to growing our donations from $350k to a total of $1 million through giving both much-needed funds and products to women impacted by the coronavirus, including: healthcare workers on the front lines as well as a fund to aid women-owned small businesses and their employees affected by the pandemic. Thrive will make these donations through our Thrive Causemetics® COVID-19 Response Fund.

Keep checking in to find out more details about our on-going efforts.

We don’t know what’s next, but tell us what you need and we’ll navigate these uncharted waters side by side. We believe that even when we are apart, we thrive together.

Karissa Bodnar + Team Thrive Causemetics®

Comments on This Post (32)
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  • Hello!
    I’ve been a huge fan of Thrive for a couple years now. I started out with the mascara and with each new product I try I continue to love it! As a nurse working on the frontlines since the beginning of this pandemic the only make up I’ve putting on is my mascara and my eyes are the only thing my patients see because of the gear I STILL have to wear each day. I have been asked millions of times if I’m wearing false eyelashes and they can’t believe it when I tell them “it’s my mascara!” It holds up so great after a very long, draining twelve hour shift! And I love that, during these trying times, you are one of the few companies that are filling orders in a timely manner!

    December 30, 2021 | Darlene Ryan
  • I just wanted to say thank you for recognizing healthcare workers. I have been an RN on the front line for over 25 years and never expected the acknowledgment of what we do. After this pandemic it is very nice and comforting to know that people really do acknowledge and appreciate what we do and how we work so hard to take care or our community.

    Every little thing helps and thank you for giving back to us healthcare workers on the front line!

    Roni Buzzell

    December 30, 2021 | Roni
  • Thank you for what your doing. I’m a officer at cook county jail and have many family and friends in law-enforcement throughout the county and I’m the military. We worked throughout the pandemic and to see companies giving back and helping I wanted to personally say thank you. Most of us feel Over worked under attack. So to see what your doing is very uplifting . Thank you can’t wait to receive my products I finally been waiting to order. It’s never about me. I always put myself last in the list. Taking the time to place my first of many orders!!! Thank You

    December 30, 2021 | Renae Craig
  • I love how Thrive takes ACTION! It only takes one small step in the right direction to make a difference and I’ve never felt better making purchases than I do when purchasing Thrive Causemetics. You’ve found away to alleviate buyers remorse (genius) and allow me, the customer, to be a part of such a positive cause. I get to look good on the outside, while feeling good on the inside. A win-win! Thanks everyone at Thrive 💋

    December 30, 2021 | Lia
  • I work at Lowe’s and have worked there throughout the whole
    Pandemic and we are now mask free and the people in our store are starting to come down with Covid even though they’ve been vaccinated and some people I guess aren’t vaccinated have come down with the virus in the past three weeks it’s unreal and of course they don’t have to tell us who it is or who we work around and it’s a little nerve-racking not knowing who it is and we’re were still working long hours and sometimes longer hours to take up the slack for other people who are not here or have not shown up to keep good customer service going this is not over this is a long war that we’re working against God help us all nobody knows how long this is going to take to be over thank you for all that you do to help us all thank you (covid that is)

    December 30, 2021 | Ms. Diane Crouse
  • My dad, my mom, and my precious husband died from Cancer
    , Judy this year my oldest daughter was diagnosed with thyroid cancer ♋️, she had lost her hair everywhere but it’s coming back in eyelashes too. Want to get her some of your eye make up she has beautiful eyes and lashes again! Ur thyroid has been sucessfuly removed but Dr. could save a sliver of it. They now have changernher thyroid hormone pill 3 times which mean that little sliver if working. Praise God! Soon as they get med. on correct dosage she’ll be on it for life! I know she would love if yo sent her a thrive gift since she’s been through so much, zHer name is Patti Hobbs, thank you for you amazing works , bless you company always. Thank you.❤️🙏❤️. ♋️

    December 28, 2021 | Janice Hobbs
  • Thank you for your donations. I am a nurse in the ER and while having to wear a mask for 12 hours, I felt eye contact with my patients was more important than ever.
    I continue to use your mascara and eyeliner when I am working. It helps me feel good about myself and accents a key component of communication while most of my face is covered up.
    It may be a small thing, but when I look into the eyes of a sick and scared patient, I want them to see compassion and kindness in my eyes. Make up can help hide how tired I am to keep the focus positive. Thank you for helping me to stay pretty and positive during these difficult times.

    Karen Keane RN/ER

    December 31, 2021 | Karen Keane
  • Thank you for your donations. I am a nurse in the ER and while having to wear a mask for 12 hours, I felt eye contact with my patients was more important than ever.
    I continue to use your mascara and eyeliner when I am working. It helps me feel good about myself and accents a key component of communication while most of my face is covered up.
    It may be a small thing, but when I look into the eyes of a sick and scared patient, I want them to see compassion and kindness in my eyes. Make up can help hide how tired I am to keep the focus positive. Thank you for helping me to stay pretty and positive during these difficult times.

    Karen Keane RN/ER

    December 29, 2021 | Karen Keane
  • This is a wonderful product that is a win-win deal.
    We are helping others feel go about themselves . we buy and that sharing is caring. Thank you Karissa and team for being awesome stewards to our society . TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK.
    Thank you,

    December 29, 2021 | Georgette Volpe
  • That makes me very excited, giving to Frontline workers. As a matter fact I am a registered nurse has worked through this whole pandemic. A lot of my friends are nurses who have also worked tirelessly through this.
    I love hearing the stories it makes me very very happy

    December 29, 2021 | Bonnie walsh
  • I am happy to learn more about your company and it’s arms that reach out to our community of women.

    I acknowledge the diversity in your advertisements. Thank you for including us.
    Exclusion hurts and sends a message of invisibility. Once again… it feels wonderful to be seen / included.

    December 30, 2021 | MeChelleReGene HamilonGilford
  • This is awesome 🤩

    December 31, 2021 | Sandi Sparks
  • Hello,
    I love your cosmetics and what you are doing to help those in need. When you need help or just a boost in your self esteem it is great to know there are organizations like Thrive causmetics that care
    Thank you!

    December 31, 2021 | Cynthia PettyCynthiah
  • Thank you ! Supporting others

    December 31, 2021 | Julie Blenco
  • I to am a frontline worker have been a nurse for 16 years!!! This is so amazing to see others care about putting a smile on our faces!!!!!

    I’m so glad I made my first purchase today!!!!

    December 31, 2021 | Brandi Dyson
  • Thank you Thrive Causemetics for your donation to front line workers like myself. I received a sample of your product and fell in love. I had to order. I appreciate your support.

    December 31, 2021 | Lisa Parchman
  • I’m a front line worker caring for COVId patients. I Love your products and order frequently! Thank you for all you do.

    Patty, BSN, RN

    December 31, 2021 | Patricia Taylor
  • As a front line worker I think what you do is wonderful. There are so many people in need right now. I’m thrilled to be able to help contribute to this cause. You make it easy because your products are great. I absolutely love everything I have bought so far and I keep trying new products each month. I will continue to tell everyone I know how wonderful your products work as well as the cause each purchase provides .
    Thank you again,

    December 31, 2021 | Lori La Motto
  • Love what you stand for .. and what you do !
    May God Bless you all with his light, love, and boundless abundance ♥️

    December 31, 2021 | Michele Swallow
  • Thank you for all the love and support you are giving so many individuals. This is so inspiring. I will definitely order more in the near future knowing how it is helping others. Thank you, Sincerely, Arleen

    January 3, 2022 | Arleen
  • Love my highlighters and my eyeliner and lipstick wonderful and I’m glad I could help other people

    January 3, 2022 | Leslie C. Wagstaff
  • It’s been difficult on us nurses, but we live 2 different worlds. The balance of caring for others while also caring for ourselves. I’m so thankful for this makeup brand and all that they do to give back!

    January 3, 2022 | Lisa Keller
  • Wow…! Not only to be obsessed with your eye brightening pencils and the gorgeous shades and lovely textures, i am even more impressed with your compassion and generosity with the way you give back to frontline workers. It’s been an unbelievably numbing past year – and i thought i would let you know that your kindness is truly heartfelt deep within.
    Sincerely, Joy M. ( a thankful Registered Nurse)

    January 3, 2022 | Joy M
  • Are you to loan a front line worker I have the honor of working with some amazing people in an 86 bed acute care hospital right in the center of Derry New Hampshire,
    It has been a long year hopefully the light that we see at the end of the tunnel will lead us right to the end of this pandemic again I would love to extend a thank you to have in our back’s

    January 3, 2022 | Linda Morton
  • I am a Hoosier born. I am so happy to see this wonderful company. I am also a front line RN. I bring beautiful babies into the world. Being a labor nurse can be the best and worst job in a span of a few short minutes. Thank you for your support and as always “Thrive”. Jules

    January 3, 2022 | Julie

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